- Here are: the detailed advertisement, the official FAQ.
- Selection follows a written test (hereafter called “the test”) and a subsequent interview for candidates shortlisted on the basis of the test scores.
- Unlike in previous years, there is a single test for both the scholarships. Two separate interview shortlists will be prepared based on the test scores. For further information, refer to the detailed advertisement (in the link above).
- The test is scheduled for Saturday 29 April 2023, 10:30–13:30 hours, IST (Indian Standard Time).
- Applications to write the test are open at the online application portal. (Beware of spurious sites.)
- Applicants can choose to apply for either one of the scholarships or both.
- Application fee: For applications completed
- before 26th March 23.59 hours, IST : ₹ 500 for one scholarship and ₹ 750 for both scholarships.
- after 27th March 00.00 hours, IST: ₹ 750 for one scholarship and ₹ 1000 for both scholarships.
Application deadline: 05th April (23:59 hours, IST)
- Applicants must accept NBHM policies regarding the test and selection process.
- For payment related issues, consult the Helpdesk on the portal. Stalled payments may take several working days to be resolved.
Admission to PhD / Integrated PhD programmes based on the test scores: For information about admission to the PhD / Integrated PhD programmes at various institutions (HRI, IISER Berhampur, IISER Mohali, IISER Pune, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, IMSc, KSoM, NISER) based upon the test scores, refer to the web pages of the respective institutions.